Ⓒ Central Nippo/Central Daily Japanese Version 2021.09.15 08:51 0 In the Google, which has been able to prevent smart equipment manufacturing companies such as Samsung and LG Electronics from entering the basic software (OS) market, a 200 billion won dictator was levied.Google has signed a contract with a manufacturing company that banned other OS installation on smart devices to maintain an Android OS monopoly.The right to use the play store was "food".This is the first time in the world that the OS monopoly of all smart devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, and smart TVs is a problem.The Fair Trade Commission imposes a total of 207.4 billion won (approximately 19.4 billion yen) in a total of 207.4 billion won (approximately 19.4 billion yen) to Google Ellacy, Google Asia Pacific, and Google Korea due to transactions and unfair transactions.He revealed that he ordered correction.The correction order is prohibited by Google from forcing the manufacturer to use OS.Google has concluded and develops an anti -flag maintenance (AFA, fragmentary prohibition) with manufacturing companies such as Samsung Electronics, and has banned all sold equipment with OS deformed with Google OS.The deformed OS is called a folk OS in the industry.Amazon and Alibaba developed a folk OS and tried to advance to the OS business, but all business failed because they could not secure a trading company.In this method, Google increased the OS market share, which was 38 % in 2010, to 97.7 % in 2019.Google acquired the Mobile OS Development Company Android in 2005 and released the Android OS in 2008 in an open source form.Later, mobile phone manufacturers and telecommunications companies participated, and thousands of Android infrastructure OS occurred.However, the phenomenon of the so -called fragmentation (fragmentation), which is difficult to respond to application development companies and increases the inconvenience of users due to too many OSs.For this reason, Google asserts that he has connected the equipment manufacturer and AFA in 2011 and selected a compatibility program (CDD).Instead of providing Android for free, he was a pledge to deform or develop OS.In response, the Google committee has determined that Google has effectively used Android OS for smartphones and smart devices in general.Google was able to conclude AFA with a manufacturing company because he used prior approach and playstore as a "weapon."Preliminary approach is a contract where a manufacturer can receive an Android OS source code six months ago.Source code is required to develop high -performance equipment, and manufacturers have to sign an OS monopoly contract with Google.The number of registration apps for play stores is 2.87 million in March last year, which is overwhelming compared to competitors' app markets, so you have to use the Play Store from a manufacturing company.AFA was applied not only to smartphones but also to smart devices such as smartwatches.Samsung Electronics launched "Galaxy Gear 1" in 2013 and had about 70 in -house development apps based on the folk OS, but Google had a problem and Samsung had to abandon its OS.During the Survey of the Public Office, the former Vice President Andy Rubin Google, who is called the "Android Father," hears that "Dell will make a folk OS device", and says "If you sell one fork device, you sell one fork equipment.We will cancel the play store, YouTube, and Google search license for all devices. "Google strongly repelled and expressed his willingness to appeal immediately.Google said, "The Android compatibility program was created to overcome the" Tragedy of Commons ", which is an open source software damage.", Inhibits consumers' rights, and hinders competition with other businesses such as Apple. "In response to the Measures of the Public Office, the smart equipment manufacturing industry is expected to change."Software Policy Research Institute's Cho Wong -yeon AI Policy Research Team" said, "Domestic manufacturers such as Samsung and LG have made a variety of smart equipment, and this correction order has an effective effect on domestic companies and digital ecosystems."Dou" was diagnosed."The possibility of Android, such as other open source such as Linax, has increased the possibility of developing diverse in variety (folk) forms."1/2
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