I want to carry it, this good quality.
Wireless storms flying around the city, and now all devices are wirelessly connected.In the earphone industry, the lineup of Bluetooth models is increasing steadily.It should not be so far when humanity can overcome cable spaghetti.
A long-awaited wireless earphone came to the same SR (Sound Reality) series, the same SR (ATH-CKR100) earphone "ATH-CKR100", which uses Dual Phase PUSH-PULL DRIVERS.That's "ATH-CKR75BT", BT is Bluetooth BT.
There was already a wireless headphone in the SR series, but this is the first earphone for the first time.How easy and good is the music experience?I would like to tell you the impression that I actually spent with ATH-CKR75BT for a few days.
The first impression was that the dynamic range and the sound field were rich, and you could not listen very naturally.The clearness of the vocal is also outstanding.It is exciting and good to start listening to what is emphasized with bass and treble, but if you listen all the time, you will get tired.
When you go there, the ATH-CKR75BT is very flat, but the treble on the piano and the delicate arpeggio of the acoustic guitar can be firmly chased to the point where the sound is cut.It can be described as high resolution of the sound, and this is not tired even if you listen for a long time, but rather want to listen.
Because of the simplicity of wireless, it feels like the mental hurdle to listen to music has dropped sharply than when wired.In addition, this natural sound is good.It is an earphone that boosts the listening.
Let's look at the specifications.The driver is a dynamic φ11.8mm, strong aluminum housing specification that suppresses unnecessary resonance.The playback frequency band (how width from low to high frequencies) is 5Hz to 40,000 Hz, output sound pressure level (representing speaker efficiency.108db/MW.
Continuous playback is about 7 hours with about 3 hours of charging, and it takes about 200 hours in a standby state.There are three corresponding codecs: SBC, AAC, and APTX that realizes high sound quality in Bluetooth environment.
There is something that I want to convey more than the specifications.It is the comfort of wearing and the feel of the main body.
The wireless earphones are not connected to the player, so there is a concern that they will drop them when they are wearing them, but the ATH-CKR75BT has a clip that helps to prevent falling and can be fixed to the neck.
17.8gという絶妙な軽さと頑丈さを感じるケーブルは心地いい存在感がありますよ。The aluminum housing part has a special feel and is good.I feel robust, and I feel that this touch that I feel at my fingertips makes the experience a little high -grade.Is it a feeling of wearing a good thing?
Also, one of the things I want to want with wireless earphones is that it has a cool design on my neck without wearing it on my ears.The metallic texture will be powerful in such situations.
Take out and pair Bluetooth on the iPhone quickly from the mini pocket on the bag (of course!).After playing your favorite music, adjust the volume with the remote control or iPhone of the main unit.This series of seamless experiences is the real pleasure of wireless.If you have never experienced it, I want you to experience it.
ATH-CKR75BTのカラーバリエーションはグラファイトブラック(BK)、シャンパンゴールド(CG)、ガンメタリック(GM)、ブリリアントレッド(RD)の4種類。アルミ製ゆえ、その色映えも独特です。市場予想価格は1万5000円前後。If you are thinking about your wireless earphone debut, ATH-CKR75BT is highly recommended as one with excellent cost performance.If you want to benefit from wireless without compromising the sound quality, go to your local audition corner!
As a lineup, there are four colors of "ATH-CKR55BT" (left: market forecast price around 10,000 yen), and six colors "ATH-CKR35BT" (right: expected market price around 6000 yen).Although it is not an aluminum housing, it is a model that can enjoy wireless earphones more easily, so we recommend that you compare it.
Photo: Keiki Ohara Image: Audio-Technicasource: Audio-Technica ATH-CKR75BT, ATH-CKR55BT, ATH-CKR35BT
(Yamada Yuus type)