Coaching is once

Written By mobilephonebrand

Coaching is once

 Coaching is once

「Coaching is onceなのよ」コーチ・エィに入社したての頃、社内でコーチングを受けていた時にコーチから言われた言葉ですが、今でも印象に残っています。「一期」とは仏教語で「一生涯」を表し、「一会」は「ただ一度の出会い」を意味します。「一期一会」は茶道の心得を表した言葉で、お茶会に臨む際には、全く同じものを繰り返すことはできないので、常に人生で一度きりと心得て、相手に対して精一杯の誠意をつくしましょう、という意味があります。つまり、「一期一会」とは、旅先などでの一度きりの出会いのことを指すのではなく、たとえ毎日顔を合わせている家族や友人、仕事の仲間でも、「その日その時の出会いは一生に一度だけである」というのが本来の意味のようです。そのベテランコーチは、「これから何回かコーチング・セッションはあるけれど、今この瞬間の私たち二人でしか生まれない問いを一緒につくりましょう」と言ってくれました。そのセッションの最後に一緒に創り出した問いを二人で振り返りましたが、その時間やその問いがとても大切なものに感じられました。国際コーチング連盟(ICF)の定めるコーチのコア・コンピテンシーに、「Keep here now」という項目があります。つまり、一期一会のいう、一度きりしかない「今ここの瞬間を大事にする」という考え方は、コーチングにおいても、とても大切な概念なのです。「今ここ」を扱う、とは、具体的に、どういうことなのでしょうか?

Keep here now

There is the word "zone".For example, you may have heard that athletes use expressions such as "entering the zone".There is a moment when you think that you have entered the zone.At that time, I don't think about what kind of questions to ask next or "I have to proceed here with the remaining time", just focus on feeling "now".I feel a kind of excitement that repeats dialogue with the client with the client and creates new ideas between them.Not only thinking with your head, "experience" occurs.Focusing on the relationship with the client at this time, I feel that it is not "you" and "me", but the relationship between us, which creates a place together.When I was a coach, I had coached to my previous boss.My boss was very helpful in my previous job, so it was a challenge for me to become my boss's coach.In fact, it didn't work at first.As for coaching, my boss was expecting a question with a "awareness", and I was sessions desperately thinking about asking questions with "awareness".After such a session continued several times, I told my boss in a session."I feel that the coaching so far is not going well. I feel that I have been evaluated as to what kind of question I have.The session ended with the boss saying, "I will reconsider what I want to aim for and what I care about."He told me that coaching was a valuable place for each other, and in the next session, he said, "I was serious."I think that the timing was the relationship between "I" and "I", which is "evaluated" and "evaluated".