It has been reported that Chinese prosecutors have filed a lawsuit that the Youth Mode of the local popular messaging application "WeChat" has not complied the law to protect minors.
According to the US REUTERS report, the lawsuit was filed by the Tencent Computer Systems in Shenzhen City by Beijing City Kaiyodo Ward People's Prosecutor's Corporation.The complaint did not describe how Wechat's youth mode conflicts with Chinese laws, and Tencent did not answer immediately even if he was asked for comments.
This problematic youth mode is a feature that young users cannot settle, search for nearby friends, and play specific games when turned on.In other words, it is a parental control that parents restrict their children's use, as well as a super app like a weChat (an integrated app that can be used in everyday life in China).
This youth mode was introduced to each company's application under the guidance of Chinese regulatory authorities, and it is unknown why it was regarded as a problem this time.However, REUTERS speculates that this lawsuit may be part of a wide range of crackdowns by the Chinese government.
Just the other day, many of the Chinese state -owned media reported that many teenage young people have been addicted to online games, and they have just reported that "mental opium has grown into billions of dollars."
This article was immediately deleted, but immediately after, Tencent Holdings (the parent company of the Tencent Computer Systems) was the popular mobile game "Honor of Kings", and play time under the age of 18 on weekdays.One hour a day, it has announced that it will be shortened by two hours on weekends.
In April this year, REUTERS reportedly reported that the Chinese government had prepared a huge fine for Tencent as part of an antitrust measure against the Internet.The state -owned media securities timelide also published an editorial that earlier this month, tax incentives to the game industry should be eliminated.It is expected that the state -owned media claims will be more strict, as the Chinese government is nothing but the intention of the Chinese government.
The Chinese game industry has grown rapidly with the benefits of huge player population, abundant financial strength, and government development promotion policy.However, in 2018, President Xi Jinpei gave a discourse that the child's myopia rate was high, and then regulated the new online games and the number of games as a whole, and restricted the time for children to play.
Tencent is a window for Nintendo to sell Nintendo Switch in China, so it should have a small impact on the Japanese game industry.I want to watch the future development.
Source: Reuters