Route search is the same as the predecessor model, such as "recommended", "distance", "high speed", "general", "high speed/distance".Many car navigation systems are searching for recommended routes, and there are many models that explore multiple routes at a stretch, but if you choose the route, you will search each time.However, the time required for search is very small and there is no stress.This time we have a video, so if you look there, you can feel the speed.
【彩速ナビ】目的地検索The customization function "Milut Assaster", which can change the weight of each item of "paid priority", "road width priority", "avoidance of traffic congestion", and "railroad crossing", is also alive.You can also choose "signal consideration" and "root learning" on/off, so you can approach your favorite route.Since you can register 3 patterns of selected combinations, it seems convenient to register patterns by situation such as "time -oriented" and "cost -or".
ルート探索はいつもの羽田空港でチェック「ジャンル」での絞り込み検索を行なうことができたルート探索の結果一覧表示も可能マイルートアジャスターを使えばより自分にあったルートを見つけることも可能になるフリーワード検索では絞り込まずに目的地を見つけることができたWhen actually running on the guide route, the most commonly seen is the intersection guide.Although it can be changed depending on the setting, the basics of guidance on a general road are "here is information" indicating the direction of travel and the remaining distance in a graphical display, and after approaching the intersection, the area near the intersection is expanded.In addition to that, in addition to that, the signboard and illustration display will support you.
In addition, the predecessor model is equipped with a "guide reader guide" that allows you to check the future guidance points in a rally competition and so on.Next, you can check in advance in which direction to proceed.It is a very practical and convenient function.
「ここです案内」はグラフィカルな表示で進む方向を判断しやすい。交差点に近づくにつれ色が変わるのも分かりやすい演出交差点近くでは拡大図に切り替え方面案内看板は豊富に用意されている細街路でも同様の案内が行なわれるので安心ルート案内中は折り畳みメニューの「先読み」が利用可能コマ図でルート上の案内ポイントをチェック可能都市高速や都市間高速での案内も充実In terms of car navigation, a new "6 -axis inertial sensor" that combines a 3 -axis gyro and a 3 -axis acceleration sensor.The feature of the new Type Z series is that the satellite is supported by the GPS, the quasi -top satellite "Michibiki", and the Russian satellite positioning system "Gronas".
First, the underground parking lot is the usual checkpoint.It is a situation where 6 -axis inertia sensors are powerful because they cannot receive radio waves from satellites.On the way, he showed a slight unstable movement, but eventually had almost no problem, and was quickly corrected to a perfect position after he was on the ground.
Checking the height direction, which distinguishes the general road and the highway, has changed the test location from Niiyamashita lamp at the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway to Isogo lamp.It has a complicated structure of general roads, metropolitan highway side roads and general roads, and Metropolitan Expressway and three stories.Although it is a very difficult situation, when you get off on the side road, you will immediately re -trute and display a signboard at the branch.In addition, he gave a perfect guide to switch to a lane guide at the next intersection when he got off to the general road.I tried the opposite direction, the route from the general road to the Metropolitan Expressway, but that was perfect.It was a good appearance of the high accuracy unique to stationary car navigation systems.