Rakuten Mobile, Roeming Costs increase in deficit-The area is in place to the offensive in 2022

Written By mobilephonebrand

The Rakuten Group announced on August 11 its financial results for the second quarter of the fiscal year ended December 2021.Sales were 16 year -on -year.The number of business losses increased by 9%and the business loss was 10.9 billion yen, continued to be in the deficit.The deficit factors are still large due to upscale investments, and the most large is the preceding investment against Rakuten Mobile.


The quarterly performance of mobile segments, including Rakuten Mobile, increased by 17%year -on -year to ¥ 51.5 billion, and operating losses were 99.7 billion yen, increasing by 45.9 billion yen year -on -year.According to Yoshihisa Yamada, President and CEO of Rakuten Mobile, sales have been gradually being recorded due to the end of the free campaign for one year until April.On the other hand, Rakuten Mobile service users, which were developed as MVNOs, have been conducting campaigns that will be free for 3 months when they move to their lines, so the sales of MVNO services decreased due to the increase in inflow.It is said that it is doing.


Regarding profits, in addition to the development of base stations ahead of time, the number of users has increased roaming costs to KDDI, which is the main factor in the loss.It seems that the total number of applications for Rakuten Mobile has reached 4.42 million as of the end of June, and there was a recoil due to the end of the free campaign, but the number of applications has been increasing steadily since then.。


However, Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman and President of the Rakuten Group, said, "The number of new subscribers can accelerate at any time, but the cost of business models and costs must be firm."He says he is in the stage.The reason is that the roaming costs are significant as the contracts increase, and the current situation is expected to continue to achieve a population cover rate of 96%and reduce the roaming area significantly.I am.

For this reason, Mr. Mikitani has expressed his intention to accelerate the acquisition of subscribers with the achievement of the population cover rate of 96%, and has expressed its prospect that the roaming cost will be significantly reduced from around March 2022.There is.However, Rakuten Mobile said that the area development was to achieve a 4G population cover rate of 96%by the summer of 2021, but due to the shortage of semiconductors, the plan was behind 2021.He revealed in July that he had defeated it.

Mr. Mikitani explained that this point was "unexpectedly sorry."He said, "I negotiated directly, but the (procurement) is getting faster, but it will still be slow for three months," he said, saying that achieving a population coverage of 96 % will be in winter.By the way, as of the end of June, the 4G population cover rate is over 90%.



On the other hand, there are some positive materials for Rakuten Mobile.The first is that the number of customers who switch to Rakuten Mobile with the number portability (MNP) is increasing, and such customers tend to have a high ARPU and have a low cancellation rate.According to Mr. Yamada, the MNP transfer source is overwhelmingly three major mobile phones, and the ratio is "it is not extremely different from the market share.is.


The second is the contribution to the Rakuten Eco System.Rakuten Mobile Contractor Rakuten's new user has reached about 19%, and the average cross use rate for Rakuten Mobile contractors to use the service of other Rakuten group is 2 average..It will reach four.It seems that the number tends to grow as the contract period increases, and Mikitani seems to be highly evaluated as "it has a great synergy effect."


そして3つ目は、仮想化・オープン化の技術を取り入れた楽天モバイルのシステム基盤となっているRCP(Rakuten Communications Platform)の海外での販売拡大だ。8月4日には基地局など無線アクセスネットワークの仮想化技術を持つ米アルティオスターを完全子会社化し、通信プラットフォーム事業を集約した「Rakuten Symphony」を立ち上げた。さらにドイツの新興携帯電話事業者である1&1に、RCPによるモバイルネットワークを包括提供することを明らかにしている。



The core business is going well, and the Apple Pay compatible with "Rakuten Edy"

On the other hand, operating income in the quarter, excluding profit and loss due to advance investment, etc., was 35 in the same period of the previous year..It is growing steadily to 469 billion yen, up 6%, and the core business is still steadily.

Regarding the domestic e -commerce business, which is one of the core businesses, the demand for nesting due to the corona evil in 2020 has passed around the same period of the previous year..2%increase 1.Recorded two -digit growth, such as 2 trillion yen, maintaining a strong performance.In addition to the fact that users who used Rakuten Ichiba in 2020 continued to use in 2021, 76%of users have been established, and the business of Rakuten Travel, which had been temporarily depressed, was recovered.It is a keynote.

Regarding the logistics business that is promoting preceding investment, the JP Rakuten Logistics, which was established in a joint venture with Japan Post, has been launched on July 1st, and the Rakuten logistics base is transferred to a joint venture, and the delivery network of Japan Post.Expect that efficiency can be improved by utilizing.Mr. Mikitani said, "I thought it would take about 10 years, but I could go around 2025."


Another main business, FinTech business, has shown the intention of maintaining an increase in sales and profits, and promoting cross use to expand the use of finance and payment services using Rakuten Cards as a hub.Since June, the second Rakuten card has been issued, so he will take advantage of the benefits of issuing different international brand cards and work on gaining share from other companies in the future.

On the other hand, regarding the electronic money "Rakuten Edy", the competitive "Nanaco" and "WAON" launched the Apple Pay on August 10 the day before, so the only main electronic money service based on Felica.Apple Pay has not been able to respond.Rakuten has avoided a clear answer in this regard, but it was the timing of "I gained great trust by branding" (Mr. Yamada), which was one of the major issues on Rakuten Mobile.It is likely to be one of the issues for the future.

間もなく20周年を迎える「楽天Edy」だが、Apple Payへの対応では競合に出遅れることとなってしまった